Walking On, Volume 9, Issue 6, August 2022 | Page 7

For the Health of It identify beneficial microorganisms , assess whether theoretical benefits translate to patient benefits and to evaluate potential adverse effects . Unfortunately , microorganisms that are beneficial for people may not provide benefit to horses given differences in diets , eating style ( grazing ) and GI physiology ( i . e ., hind gut fermentation ).

Few studies have evaluated probiotics for potential beneficial and adverse effects in adult horses and foals . A handful of different organisms and products have been evaluated in adult horses and were found to have no clinical effect or potential positive effects , such as improved clearance of sand accumulation in the colon , decreased duration of diarrhea and decreased shedding of Salmonella . Currently , there is not enough research to make blanket statements or recommend specific microorganisms for specific benefits .
The potential for adverse effects must be considered . In three studies utilizing neonatal foals , the use of probiotics was associated with an increased risk of diarrhea and need for veterinary care . Although it has not been documented in neonatal foals , probiotic microorganisms administered to human neonates have been identified in blood cultures , indicating bacteremia or fungemia . Finally , recent work has identified the presence of antimicrobial resistance genes in probiotics marketed for horses – whether these genes are being transferred to the horse ’ s normal intestinal microbiota and / or pathogenic bacteria , like Salmonella , has yet to be determined .
In conclusion , probiotics have the potential to improve not only the GI health of horses but their general health as well . Currently , many products are on the market which can be confusing to choose from . More research is needed to determine basic questions like which microorganisms should be administered to horses ( adults and foals ) and in what quantity to result in benefit . And , at least in foals , there does appear to be a real risk for negative side effects , so careful consideration should be given to this age group . In selecting a product , look for a product that provides you with necessary information to make an informed choice , including a list of the product ’ s microorgan- ism ( s ), statement of the quantity of microorganism per dose , storage instructions and an expiration date and , ideally , a product that provides scientific references that support the health benefits of the product .
Jamie Kopper , DVM , PhD , DACVIM , DACVECC Iowa State University jkopper @ iastate . edu