Walking On, Volume 9, Issue 6, August 2022 | Page 30

WHOA Show Series August 13 , 2022 • Brownsville , Kentucky

The Saturday August 13th was a “ heat out ” date for the show to have been held in June ! When it was rescheduled for August I thought “ Crap ”! August will be even hotter !” Not so , an absolutely gorgeous sunny , breezy day brought out 277 entries for the Brownsville , Kentucky SWEET Show . You heard correctly — -277 — entries on this sunny day with a light breeze . Awesome ! Even more awesome were the sweet jellies and jams given by the Starnes ’ family to be used as an extra treat for the winners . These were very much appreciated .
Several states had horse showing Kentucky-Mississippi-North Carolina-Ohio-Tennessee- Texas- We thank everyone that brought a horse to help make this show so successful . Of course the “ help ” must receive a tremendous THANK YOU . The WHOA office staff was on hand to take entries , run sheets to DQP , changes to the announcer
+ everything else that was needed ,. The show could not go on without Sput to open and shut the gate , that ’ s a given . The Starnes ’ family is also a must . Larry has the grounds mowed , the sound system up and running , the trail obstacles that I relay to him that need to be there all prior to the first horse arriving . All this is volunteer work AND the Starnes ’ donated the sweets to be given as trophies ! Guess who made off with a Spicy Tomato Jam ? Dr . Dan Starnes came down to help . Setting up trail obstacles — -getting lunch — -just whatever we needed him to do , then after the versatility events made a 16 hour drive back to North Carolina . We love ya Dan . Another unexpected helper that stepped in and did a great job was Russell McElroy , Linda Starnes ; brother . Russell helped me with ribbons and jams which I greatly appreciated . It will be hard to top this sweet show . Sunday show , you
better bring it !
Everyone missed the Tri County Mounted Search and Rescue concession stand that was not open due to Covid .
The Kentucky County Fairgrounds are such picturesque scenes for horse shows with the beautiful Kentucky Bluegrass , the gently rolling hills and the beautiful fences . All combine to make an ideal scene . Before I sign off . I really need to comment on the good judging job done today by Robert Bowden . The last three Brownsville Shows have had first time judges , Brady Backert , Ashlyn Avert , and Robert Bowden , all who have done excellent jobs . They judge with knowledge of the rules , what the standard is for each division and with efficiency . Kudos to all these judges . You have this ole doll ’ s seal of approval .
– Sis Osborne
Danielle Johnson made a good ride aboard New Boots Goofin , the are picutred with Mallory and Blake Johnson and trainer , Ryne White .
Kelli and jeff Taylor , Kylie , Amy and Rex Nance , along with Ryne White and Lucas Davenport and their string of winning White trained horses .
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The Williams family enjoyed a successful show .
Connie Holbrook , fresh off her International Championships was still smiling and claiming those blue ribbons .