Walking On, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2021 | Page 6

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Footings - Train And Compete Injury Free

By Ron Petracek
The ideal footing for your horse will depend on what type of event , climate , natural ground type and location of where you work , exercise and train your horse . In most cases , it is easier to find a service that is more suitable for one event in particular rather than try to cater to many different footing needs , especially in an outdoor arena . How the horse moves is an important consideration to make when you are choosing a footing for your arenas .
Researchers who study biomechanics are able to tell what parts of a horse ’ s hoof or limb is under stress during each phase of a stride . They have also been able to apply much of what has been found in humans to horses because much of that information is also true in horses . In humans , repeated shock of impact with the ground causes bone related conditions such as osteoarthritis or joint problems and this is also true in horses . Any activity that involves and “ airborne phase ” is much more damaging and more like to cause these conditions .
Footings reduce shock and in choosing your footing , you will want to consider the surface and it ’ s “ impact resistance .” This is the ability of the footing to absorb impact energy . This is very important in the hoof ’ s downward motion . For example , concrete absorbs little energy on impact and is one reason doctors suggest that you do not jog on it and similarly you should not work horses on it either . Surfaces such as wood chips will absorb more energy on impact and will cause less shock . Sand is also a lower impact surface but can lead to a variety of different injuries because it is hard to move in and out of . The heart rate can be increased by 50 % when working on sand , which is why horses tire more quickly when working in it .
Turf is an excellent footing because of its high moisture content . A well-maintained turf is great , but a lot of work is put into keeping turf at a condition to where it has good impact resistance . As the soil dries , the impact resistance is increased while if it is too moist , it will cause slipping .
A good arena footing can be a mix of both sand and soil . Many arenas are worked with groundhogs and 6 • Walking On watered to maintain a soft and moist footing . These allow impact energy absorption and horses will not develop injuries and will lessen the chances for a horse to develop osteoarthritis .
No matter what footing you have available , there are a few keys to reduce the risk of injuries in horses .
Always try to train on the same type of footing that you will be competing on . Changes in footing can lead to injuries . Avoid footings that have soft and hard spots , deep and shallow spots and especially slick spots . Make sure your horse is in good condition and trained . Over working a horse will lead to injuries caused by fatigue . Help the horse with proper shoeing , training , conditioning , conformation and taking care of any pre-existing injuries and ensuring those are completely healed .
There are numerous footing companies that can help you develop a footing that is ideal for your event and your area . Consider working with them as well as doing your own research to ensure that your horse will be able to work injury free .
Ron Petracek is the Equine Article Directory for Equine Internet ’ s Equine Forum and Article Education Program For more great articles and information or Classifieds Click Here =>
[ http :// www . horsechitchat . com /] Article Source : https : // EzineArticles . com / expert / Ron _ Petracek / 72418