Walking On, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2021 | Page 3

Shows / Events
Ads walking _ on @ aol . com
walking horse owners ’ association P . O . Box 4007 , Murfreesboro TN 37129 ( 615 ) 494-8822 • joinwhoa @ aol . com www . walkinghorseowners . com
WHOA Staff Tommy Hall ......................... Executive Director Teresa Owen ................................. Secretary Joyce Taylor ............................... Bookkeeper
WHOA Board of Directors Jason Bachert , jasonb @ mannapro . com Kim Bennett , cowboykim58 @ gmail . com Jodi DeDecker-Bubar , jodidedecker @ hotmail . com Martha Child , marthachild @ icloud . com Amy Cross-Nance , amy @ amycrossnance . com Crystal Deputy , cld2506 @ vt . edu Kyle Elliott , kyle _ matthew _ elliott @ yahoo . com Ken Estes , ken @ estesacres . com Gary Feltner , gary @ rcwalkinghorses . com Dickie Gardner , dickiegardnerstables @ hotmail . com Darden Gladney , dgladney @ glenbrookschool . com Dennis R . Hills , dhills @ championsmercantile . com Jessica Hlebak , jhlebak @ ncsu . edu Rhonda Martocci , Pro-Tem , rmartocci @ comcast . net Dee Dee Miller , maskr8ng @ aol . com Justin Miller , jmiller @ farmvet . com Maggie Moore , maggiemoore615 @ gmail . com Peggy Moore , peggymoore515 @ yahoo . com Frank E . Neal , President , fneal @ feneal . com Sis Osborne , sisosborne @ tds . net David Pruett , dpruett @ comcast . net Angie Runnels , Angelar19 @ hotmail . com Darrin Sisk , dsisk @ colletondsn . org Sherrie Szucs , ssrunwalk @ gmail . com Mark Taylor , marktaylor @ realtracs . com Lynn Womack , glwomack11 @ gmail . com
The Walking Horse Owners Association ( WHOA ), headquartered in Murfreesboro , Tennessee , was founded in 1976 to represent the interests in all matters pertaining to the sound Tennessee Walking Horse . WHOA ’ s goals are to advocate for fair and equal treatment of all members and to promote and protect the welfare of the breed . WHOA develops and supports programs that increase the value of Tennessee Walking Horses and enhances members experiences with their horses .
Volume 8 , Issue 3 , March 2021

In This Issue

Shows / Events



Ads walking _ on @ aol . com

Creative Director ............................. Sarah Gee Contributing Editor ......................... Sis Osborne
WHOA Academy / Schooling Show ............. 10
WHOA Dispatch ............................. 4 Bits & Pieces ................................. 6 Back to Basics ................................ 8 Industry Info ................................ 12 For the Health of It .......................... 14 Show Results ................................ 22
Walking On Bulletin Board .................... 4
Happy Trails Program ........................ 24 Pine Rock Farm Show Series .................. 16 PPWHANC Spring Fling ..................... 15 PPWHANC Tar Heel Classic .................. 19 TWHF ...................................... 5 Walking On ................................ 2 , 9 WHOA Rumble On A River Show .............. 20
Show Series , Brownsville .............. 18 WHOA Show Series , Edmonson County ........ 17
The opinions and statements expressed in articles , columns , and advertisements are not necessarily the viewpoint or position of the magazine or the Walking Horse Owners ’ Association ( WHOA ). Walking On is not responsible for viewpoints and statements expressed in articles , columns , and paid advertisements . Reproduction of advertising or editorial content without the express consent of WHOA is strictly prohibited . WHOA reserves the right to edit submissions for content , style and space . WHOA also reserves the right to refuse any advertising for any reason .