Walking On, Volume 7, Issue 8, December 2020 | Page 8

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Christmas Decoration Considerations at the Barn

As Christmas approaches , many turn to decorating . For horse people that often means decorating their horse ’ s stall or the entire barn . If you ’ re one of those that decorates their horse ’ s environs , it ’ s important to know which decorations are safe and which can pose a risk to your horses or the other critters that call the barn home .
While most pines and spruce are safe , keep in mind that they can drip sap . Sap is very difficult to remove from manes and coats . It can also be a mild mouth irratation , so be sure to hang wreaths and garlands well out of reach .
One decoration to definitely avoid at the barn is mistletoe . In horses , dogs , and cats it has been associated with gastrointestinal disorders , cardiovasular collapse , difficulty breathing , abnormally slow heart rate , and erratic behavior . So , if you want to kiss your horse under the mistletoe , you might be better off bringing it to the barn , giving him a quick smooch , and taking it back home .
If you ’ re considering decorating with holly know that while it is only mildly toxic to horses , it ’ s leaves and berries can cause severe gastrointestinal upset in cats and dogs . Holly may not be the best choice for the barn or stall .
While there is a fairly well known urban myth that insists poinsettias are poisonous to people , this isn ’ t true . They are , however , mildly toxic to pets , but they would have to eat quite large amounts of it .
A good recommendation would be to place all decorations well out of reach of any horses . You ’ ll also want to avoid things like tinsel that could cause blockages if consumed . Other considerations include electrocution hazard to horses from Christmas lights , and well as fire risk . If you do use Christmas lights , make sure they are UL-listed and made for outdoor use . Also avoid extension cords and overloading circuits . LED lights might be the best choice as they are cooler when left on for long periods . Lastly , if you want to have a Christmas tree in the barn , consider an artificial one that is labeled nonflammable or flame retardant . With real Christmas trees you always have the risk of combustion when they dry out .
8 • Walking On