Walking On Volume 7, Issue 7, November 2020 | Page 8

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10 Tips for Winter Horse Care

Although they usually adapt well to winter ’ s challenges , it is important to provide horses with the extras they need to keep healthy and safe with the temperature drops .
1 . Always provide adequate water during the winter . Because horses may not drink enough if the water is very cold , try to keep water temerature as far above freezing as possible .
2 . Take care of the hooves . Hooves that are well trimmed will chip less , provide better grip , and hold less snow .
3 . Since pasture quality and / or accessibility decreases in the winter , increase hay . Consuming hay is your horse ’ s best heat source . Hay is digested in the cecum and colon which results in heat production by bacterial fermentation .
4 . Before winter sets in , get a dental checkup . Ensure that your horse gets the maximum nutrients and energy out of their food by making sure they can chew properly .
5 . Don ’ t neglect grooming . A dirty , matted coat loses much of its ability to insulate .
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6 . Keep an eye out for frozen puddles around your water troughs . Sprinkle alfalfa meal on icy spots . The nitrogen in Alfalfa promotes melting . Alfalfa meal also has a texture to provide tracton . Dirt or fireplace ashes can provide traction , too .
7 . Be sure that your barn has adequate ventilation but no direct drafts . Add extra bedding and / or rubber mats to stall floors for insulation .
8 . Make sure you horse has access to a windbreak or shelter when outside . Even some dense shubbery or a stand of trees can make a difference .
9 . Consider blanketing during cold , wet , and windy weather . A horse ’ s haircoat losses loft and won ’ t hold body heat when it ’ s wet . Older horses , horses not used to the cold , and clipped horses may need blanketing throughout the winter .
10 . If you blanket your horses , remember to remove the blanket regularly to check for chafing and irritation .