Walking On Volume 7, Issue 6, October 2020 | Page 11

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Autumn Leaves
Many horses enjoy the taste and smell of freshly fallen leaves . However , leaves are dense and can casue compaction colic when consumed in quantities . As most horse owners know , the horse ’ s GI tract is delicate . Feeds should be selected based , not only on their ability to meet nutrient requrements , but also on thier suitability for digestion . Feeding dense leaves can also result in choke . Choke is when feed becomes lodged in the horse ’ s esophagus . While a horse with choke can still breathe , it is painful and requires immediate veterinary attention .
It is also vital that horse owners ’ know if they have red maple trees on their property . Red maple leaves are toxic to horses . Autumn leaves can remain toxic for 30 days after falling . Therefore , fallen red maple leaves should always be collected and disposed of regularly . Additionally , horses should have access to high quality forage so that they are less tempted by any leaves or yard waste that they may come across .
Red Maple