Walking On Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2019 | Page 19

has seen an increase in the youth division all year. Our youth are our future therefore we are delighted with this increase. I feel I must mention the smiles offered by the youth on receiving their ribbons. Most of the youth rid- ers enjoy any ribbon won at the International and they let us know. The same can be said of most of the adult riders and this certainly makes staff who have worked so hard for the exhibitors feel good. Little things mean a lot! Just one more thing WHOA does to let the exhibitors know we love them is offer tri colored ribbons to any and all first time exhibitors. These ribbons are eagerly sought and kept as reminders of the happy time had at the International. WHOA offered an after show party for any and all on Tuesday night. Well attended, the pizza was consumed in a flash. Barr Studios, our photographers for the Inter- national, showed their appreciation to their customers and anyone on the show grounds by hosting a come one- come all barn party on Wednesday night. Awe- some food, great hospitality, great margaritas!!!!! Thank you Barr Studios!!!! Tommy rearranged the time schedule this year much to the delight of exhibitors and staff!!! The earlier start- ing time plus the installation of the computer system had the show ending at a decent hour. (However the new computer system played havoc with the nightly gambling pool.) Dang!!!!My times never were correct. Can’t shut up without mentioning some more in- valuable help. Jodi DeDecker-Burbar, Sheryl Ward and Shannon Gibbs were excellent help in center ring as were Amanda and Ashlyn Newberry, Patsy’s attractive granddaughters. Rocky helped me tremendously by always having the results ready to refresh my memo- ry. The show office staff is second to none. Thank you Marcy Allison, Patsy Newberry, and Teresa Owen for taking the entries, shavings, stalls, camper hook ups, you name it ----they did it. Christy was in training for the new computer service and she, along with Amy Nance kept the entries in an orderly fashion plus helped get the needed info to Rocky. The new computer tallying system worked well cutting the show by at least an hour each night. Center ring staff looks forward each night to the excellent foods offered. Marcy helps make these tasty choices and WE thank her. Center ring was ablaze with color Friday and Satur- day nights with the gorgeous floral horse shoes. These much sought after awards are the brain child of Patsy Newberry who did an excellent job of procuring one for each Championship. Patsy also did the center ring set- up each day. Her efforts combined with those of center ring designers and sponsors Maria Redmond and Avery Smith made for a gorgeous setup each and every day. I can not close without mentioning two of the hard- est working folks, our President, Rhonda Martocci and Tommy Hall. These two go above and beyond for the WHOA members. President, Rhonda attended each performance, driving home at night and then arriv- ing fresh and ready early the next morning. Rhonda is called on to clarify a rule, tromp thru the dirt to help take up water glasses, give out ribbons, be the ring mis- tress, you name it and Rhonda has gladly given her time to the task at hand. Rhonda, we appreciate you!!!! Tommy, we could NOT do without YOU! I was afraid Wednesday you were going down but Thursday night after we all got a good night’s sleep on Wednes- day you looked refreshed. Friday found us recharged and ready to take on the world. You continue to amaze me with your ALWAYS kind, friendly attitude amongst the issues and problems that arise with a show of this magnitude. Actually this year we were almost stress free in this department. WE love you Tommy and the hard work you do daily for the Walking Horse Owners Association!!!!!! I appreciate all the help given to me by the office staff and the exhibitors who just might have seen me need something and offered it. Thanks for taking pictures, running food, taking “stuff ” to the office, helping to 19