Walking On Volume 6, Issue 11, November/December 2019 | Page 8

For the Health of It Biofilm-Associated Endometritis Reprinted with permission from Equine Disease Quarterly, Volume 28, Number 1 Bacterial endometritis (infection of the uterine mucosa) that is refractory to traditional antimicro- bial treatment is a significant challenge to the equine breeding industry. A common survival strategy em- ployed by bacterial pathogens is the formation of a bio- film, which is a complex and dynamic structure com- posed of aggregates of bacteria surrounded by a thick protective layer of exopolysaccharide. Biofilms confer resistance to immune mediated clearance by reducing the host’s ability to recognize infection. Additionally, biofilms protect bacteria from antibiotics by providing a diffusion barrier and creating a microenvironment that slows down bacterial metabolism and replication, which makes them more tolerant to antimicrobial agents. Using a model of equine infectious endometri- tis, we have clearly identified the ability of the bacteri- um Pseudomonas aeruginosa to form a biofilm within the uterus of the mare. The biofilm forms in multiple locations with the greatest amount of adherent bacteria occurring between the tissue folds and in the uterine horns. This suggests that a traditional guarded culture swab may not be ideal for detecting biofilm-associated infections and a low volume lavage may be a better diagnostic tool. The bacteria are in greater numbers deep within the endometrial glands as compared to the luminal surface. To be successful in clearing these infections, treatment options will need to be capable of penetrating deeper into the glands and tissue. For mi- croscopic visualization of biofilms within endometrial biopsies, Bouin’s solution provides significantly better preservation of the biofilm matrix on the surface of the endometrium as compared to traditional formalin fixation. Bacteria residing in a biofilm can be up to 1,000 times more refractive to treatment with antibiotics as compared to free-living (planktonic) bacteria. The sim- ple administration of more or a higher concentration of antibiotics has failed to eliminate chronic biofilm infections in both human and veterinary medicine. The goal in treating a biofilm-associated infection is to disrupt the biofilm material and kill the bacteria resid- ing within the biofilm. 8 • Walking On A series of in vitro (within a laboratory setting, such as in a test tube) studies were conducted to assess biofilm dispersal and/or bacterial killing by antibiot- ics and non-antibiotic agents alone or in combination against Gram-negative bacteria (E.coli, K.pneumoniae and P.aeruginosa). Datawould indicate that antibiotics and non-antibiotic agents are more effective against biofilms if administered concurrently. When dealing with bacterial infections protected in biofilms, the treatment period should be at least 72 hours in du- ration, with repeated treatments every 24 hours (i.e. a uterine infusion of the selected combination once every 24 hours for three consecutive days). Following this treatment protocol, the biofilm was completed dis- rupted and bacterial killing ensued. Assessment of an- tibiotic sensitivity of the offending pathogen(s) is still important as inherent genetic resistance of the bacteria involved will not be overcome solely by the addition of the non-antibiotic compounds. A recent in vivo study evaluated the intrauterine treatment of a preformed Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm with a combination of ceftiofur and tris-EDTA or ceftiofur and tris-EDTA alone. Of five mares treat- ed with a combination of ceftiofur and tris-EDTA, all effectively cleared the infection. This contrasted with only two of five mares treated with ceftiofur and one of five mares with tris-EDTA. The findings confirmed greater efficiency in killing preformed biofilm within the uterus by using a combination of antibiotic (ceftio- fur) and non-antibiotic (tris-EDTA) agents. Advances in our understanding of the significance of biofilms in human and veterinary medi- cine will in time lead to improved diagnostics and more effective treatment modalities. Fortunately several therapeutic options are currently available to clinicians for the treatment of biofilm-associated equine bacterial endo- metritiss. CONTACT: Ryan A . Ferris, DVM, MS, Dipl . ACT [email protected] Summit Equine Inc Newberg, Oregon