Walking On Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2017 | Page 10

For the Health of It

By Juliet M . Getty Ph . D .

Three Not-So-Common Myths about Feeding Horses

Horses are complex animals , and correctly meeting their nutritional needs can be challenging . We all have our horses ’ best interest at heart , but it is easy to understand how feeding misconceptions can occur . Here are three not-co-commonly held myths .
Myth # 1 : Horses don ’ t need as much hay during the night because they sleep .
Horses are awake and moving virtually all the time . Mature horses will sleep up to two hours per day , broken into short periods . These 15 to 20 minute naps are intermittent throughout the day and night . In other words , horses do not sleep for any length of time like other animals do . Being prey animals , horses ’ sleep must be taken in frequent breaks of short duration , ideally in a group situation where some take turns resting while others remain alert for dangers .
And here ’ s why they need to have forage ( hay and / or pasture ) available all of the time , day and night : Horses are trickle feeders , designed to graze continuously to keep the digestive system functioning normally , thereby preventing ulcers and colic . Feeding them in sync with their natural instincts and physiology requires that they have forage available any time they want it . 24 / 7 .
The way you can determine how much hay to feed at night is to make certain that there is some hay left over in the morning . If your horse runs out of hay and you wake to find him kicking and pawing , he is hungry . But more than that , he is in pain ( due to the acid bathing his stomach ) and he is mentally stressed . This stress can lead to a multitude of health problems and , ironically , it can prevent an overweight horse from losing weight . You can ease your horse ’ s discomfort by giving him more hay than he could possibly eat during the night . Once he realizes that the hay supply will never run out , he will start to self-regulate his intake and actually begin to eat less than he used to because he has calmed down , both physically and emotionally .
Myth # 2 : The horse ’ s stomach should be empty while exercising to avoid digestive upset . 10 • Walking On
We don ’ t feel comfortable exercising after a large meal and we therefore assume that our horses don ’ t either . But define a “ meal .” We generally think of feeding a commercially fortified feed — something that comes out of a bag . Or we may feed a meal of oats along with supplements . And you ’ re right : This type of meal that is low in fiber and high in feedstuffs that provide starch , protein , and fat should not be fed immediately before exercising your horse . But forage should ! It ’ s just the opposite — restrict forage before exercise and you ’ ll produce , rather than avoid , digestive upset . Here ’ s why :
The horse ’ s stomach , unlike our own , secretes acid all the time . That ’ s right — it never stops . Chewing produces saliva , a natural antacid . But when the horse is left without anything to chew , the acid will accumulate in the stomach and settle along the bottom ( as water would in an empty jar ). The lower portion of the stomach ( the glandular region ) has a protective mucus layer , but the upper squamous region has no such lining . Ask your horse to move , and the acid sloshes around , reaching the unprotected area , leading to an ulcer . And , as the acid flows through the small intestine , cecum , and large colon , it can cause further damage along its path , potentially leading to colic and ulcerative colitis .
Allow your horse to graze on hay or pasture before asking him to move — 15 minutes ought to do the trick . You ’ ll not only keep him healthy , but he won ’ t be in physical and mental discomfort , making him more relaxed and receptive .
Myth # 3 : Electrolyte supplements meet the horse ’ s salt requirement .
Your horse sweats more during the summer and drinks less during the winter , making electrolyte supplementation worth considering . But electrolytes alone will not stimulate your horse to drink more water — and water intake is critically important to ensure proper digestion . To encourage drinking , your horse needs to have enough sodium ( salt ). A balanced electrolyte supplement is designed to replace what is lost