Walking On Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2015 | Page 12

Back to Basics Three Ways To Help Horses Shed Winter Coats It is easy to help your horse shed his winter hair coat in the spring. There are numerous methods and grooming products designed to speed the natural shedding process. The method and tools you use depend on your horse’s attitude towards grooming and your personal preference. Basically, approaches to spring grooming can be classified into three categories: Natural Approach - This is basically the ‘do-nothing’ approach. It involves letting your horse naturally lose his longer, winter hair coat. Shedding is tied to the length of sunling in a day, so this approach could take months in some areas of the country. During this time, active horses could overheat. Additionally, horses who sweat excessively to cool down lose fluids and important electrolytes. Traditional Approach - The most economical way to assist your horse in shedding his winter coat is to use grooming tools and a lot of elbow grease. Curry combs can loosen dead hair that a body brush can then remove. A shedding blade can also help remove longer hair along the back and flanks. Care 12 • Walking On does need to be taken with think-skinned breeds and around sensitive areas of your horse’s body. With proper care, repeated full body grooming sessions over a few weeks will completely remove your horse’s winter coat. High-Tech Approach - The fastest way to remove your horse’s winter coat is with full body clippers and precision trimmers. Using these tools, your horse’s winter coat can be removed in just a few hours. If you clip your horse at the beginning of spring, it is important to blanket your horse when night temperatures fall. There is a spring grooming method to suit any horse, personal preference, and budget. Regardless of the method you choose, however, ensure that your horse is safe at all times during the grooming process. Always use a quality halter and lead or quick-release cross ties. Additionally, remember that one of the most important ways you can influence your horse’s coat is with proper nutrition.