Walking On Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2015 | Page 9

Industry Info Gary Lane Announces New DVD, Longeing for Gait and Canter ©PEARDG Gary Lane announces the release of his new DVD for all gaited breeds, Longeing the Gaited Horse for Gait and Starting the Canter.   The DVD provides simple easy steps that help riders find consistency of gait with their horses.  Riders learn how to break down the walk from an ordinary walk to a four beat gait, calling attention to evenness of gait by observing a V-pattern to find tempo and rhythm.  Longeing the horse and understanding how horses move their feet in the walk and canter using visual light charts enhances an understanding of gaits whether the rider is a novice or professional trainer.  Explanations and demonstrations are provided for engaging the hindquarters on the longe line to start training for the walk and canter departures under saddle.  The DVD demonstrates the many benefits of ground training for saddle fit.  Using proper longeing techniques and tack will teach the horse a better way to carry a saddle for its long term health and eliminates most saddle fit problems and sore backs for aged horses. This DVD provides a better understanding of purity of gait which allows riders to develop a deeper relationship of harmony, respect, trust and consistency with their gaited horses.   The DVD menu consists of a Trot and Pace Chart, Four Beat-Walk V Pattern, Longeing Bridle/Cavesson, Longeing for Gait, Starting the Canter, Liberty in the Round Pen and Ground Work for Saddle Fit and more. Gary Lane’s fresh and innovative approach to teaching many aspects of the gaited horse including balance in the walk will help all riders, many of whom have struggled for years finding a smooth easy gait.  This information combined with observing, listening and riding the gaited horse all work together to provide many years of relaxed and smooth riding. For more information on Gary Lane’s Longeing Halter, DVDs, Gaiting or Bitting Clinics, the Freedom Bridle or Gary Lane’s gaited horse specialty tack including Freedom Bits and the Lady Lite saddle, visit www.windsweptstables.net or www. nationalbridle.com  Contact Info:  windsweptstables@ hotmail.com www.ahphorsesurvey.com 9