Walking On Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2015 | Page 6

A conversation with Brady Bachert & Celebration International National Champion During the 2015 show season, youth exhibitor Brady Bachert and his trusty mount, JJ’s Red Bull, acheived a truly impressive feat, making victory passes at three championship-caliber horse shows - the Walking Horse Owner’s Association Interntaional Pleasure and Colt Grand Championship, The Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration, and the National Walking Horse Association’s National. Each of these shows features the best competition our breed has to offer. Brady and Red are the reigining International Trail Pleasure English/Western Youth 11 & Under Champions, Trail Pleasure English Youth Champions, and Trail Ple asure English/Western Youth Grand Champions. They are the current Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration Owner Amateur Novice Youth Trail Pleasure and Owner Amateur Youth Trail Pleasure World Champions. And, lastly, they are the current National Trail Pleasure Youth Sepcialty Champions and Trail Pleasure Youth Specialty Grand Champions. How long has your family owned Tennessee Walking Horses? My dad Jason Bachert has shown TWH horses for a long time. His dad Alan Bachert got him started like he got me started. I guess you could say it runs in our family. My little brother Bennett started showing this year as well after a few years in lead line. My mom just keeps us all organized and is the best cheerleader! When did you start riding? I started riding when I was 3 in lead line. I have showed several different horses along the way but Red Bull is my favorite. When did you get JJ’s Red Bull? My Dad and Mom purchased Red for me the week after Germantown. We watched Ms. Jessica show him and my dad said he was going to try and buy him. If you know my dad once he gets something in his head he finds a way to make it happen. What was it about him that caught your eye? He shakes his head so hard and just covers so much ground. Is he the first horse that you’ve had in training with Zach Parsons? Red was the first now we have three. Red Bull, Cool Runnings that my mom and Ms. Jessica own and a new two year old named A Steady Love. We have had horses with Bobby and BJ Richards in the past and they are family friends. Mr. Bobby and Mr. Zach let me ride and show a lot of great horses. I consider them both great trainers. In your opinion, what makes Zach a great trainer? Zach is real easy going and works hard at what he does. He communicates what needs to be done on each horse when you are riding. He and my dad are always laughing and having a good time. He and Ms. Jessica are really fun to hang out with. If we win or lose we have a good time together. Describe your relationship with JJ’s Red Bull. What makes you such a successful team? Red and I have really grown as a team. He’s a funny horse and has a ton of personality. He likes people but once the gate opens has all business. I never rode him before my dad bought him. The first time I showed him it was like sitting on a freight train. I have gotten used to his motion. He is built like a tank.