The invitation to share my thoughts
and opinions in classes full of students
coming from different colleges (high
and low Anglican, Methodist, Reformed,
Catholic, Orthodox) has meant a new freedom. Such sharing has exposed my mind
to a variety of theological convictions and
ways to see reality which has enabled me
to focus on the core point: which is not
about changing the other’s opinions. It is
about listening carefully to each other’s
viewpoints and respecting them; even being open to being changed and
shaped by them.
Joining the Federation worships has been very significant as it has enabled
me to see different ways to praise the Lord. It has also been a different place
(spiritual) for meeting people such as staff and students, whom I normally meet
in the academic environment.
Pastoral activities
I undertook a placement at Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, from February to June.
The minister is a Fresh Expression Pioneer working with a Methodist Church
that has been changed into a community coffee house. I was really glad to be
attached there because I knew in advance that it meant a different way to be
church. As a matter of fact, I have been enthusiastic to see the different ways of
working and I have reflected on the place of the church in the community, as a
body which reaches out by sincere relationships with all.
The opportunity to preach twice at Wesley Church (Cambridge) has been
very encouraging and challenging – as it was my first time in English.
What could the Italian churches learn from my experience? I believe that
kindness, love and care for one another might be a good starting point. To
this purpose, in my opinion, one needs just a few small things, such as being
gathered around a cup of coffee and biscuits before or after Sunday service
and other church activities. Appointing a few people, not necessarily the pastor, to pray for those who need prayer at the end of a service can also be an
act of love: as is appointing someone to welcome new people to the Sunday
service. Saying ‘Welcome!’ and asking ‘What is your name?’ and ‘Where are
you from?’ can make people feel at home. That is what I have seen in several
churches in Cambridge.
A year ago, when I was in Rome trying to conclude the last things in view
of my departure for Cambridge, my prayer to God was the following:
‘God, please, make me stronger and more mature and teach me what is