Our representative at the 2017 Synod in Torre Pellice was Richard New-
bury, whose report will be available in our Summer issue. There were five
new ministers ordained, three men: Stefano Giannatempo, Stanislao Calati
and Francesco Marfè and two women: Ilenya Goss and ‘our’ Noemi Falla.
The Waldensian Day in Cambridge was joyful and successful: full report
on both events in the Summer issue.
During the Summer for the second year running the Leys School (Meth-
odist) in Cambridge hosted some students from the Collegio Valdese in Torre
Pellice and there are plans for a return visit. This was organised thanks to the
Leys Chaplain, the Rev Clifford Meharry. More news in the Summer issue.
The Moderator E. Bernardini, N. Falla, F. Marfè, the preacher Prof F. Ferrario,
S. Giannatempo, I. Goss.
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cluded). Order from: E.S. Newbury,
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