Peter Winter with one of the prints, and the prints in the Archivio in Torre Pellice.
ence organised by the Cromwell Association at the National Civil War Centre
in Newark to meet up with Mr Winter, who gave us the six prints. On the way
back to Cambridge, we stopped at his house for a cup of tea with himself and
his wife. It was like visiting long-lost friends. In August we took the precious
box by car to Italy and the prints were duly delivered into the hands of a very
enthusiastic Archivist. The engravings – three by W.H. Bartlett and three by
W. Brockedon – are particularly interesting because the Alpine views of the
Waldensian Valleys are in colour and the Centro didn’t have any like them.
They have been cleaned and reframed and are now hanging in a highly visible
spot on a wall of the Archive for visitors to enjoy. Go and see them!
News from Noemi Falla
Dear brothers and sisters,
Over the past two years I have been doing my probation, first in the Methodist
Church of Bologna and Modena, and then in Parma-Mezzani and Casalmag-
giore, where I am still serving.
The beauty of these congregations is that, along with the Italian people,
there are brothers and sisters coming from different countries, such as Ghana,