Dear Friends and Supporters ,
From the Editor
Thank you for your continuing help with prayers , feedback , enquiries , purchases from our website and , of course , DONATIONS ! Please keep looking at www . waldensian . org . uk for updates and new items . We are also on Facebook : The Waldensian Church Missions .
Congratulations to members of our Committee and friends :
Giovanni Bernardini ( and wife Noemi ) on the birth of Amanda on 20 January 2024 Simone Maghenzani ( and wife Joan ) on the birth of Anna on 25 January 2024 Daniele Pevarello on becoming a Fellow of Trinity College , Dublin Huw Anderson on moving back to Italy and becoming Baptist pastor of the International Evangelical Church of Reggio Calabria Jean David Eynard on obtaining a PhD in English Literature from Cambridge University
Synod 2024 will take place 24 – 29 August in Torre Pellice , as usual .
Two ordinands have successfully finished their probationary years and , God willing , will become ministers : Kassim Conteh and Maliq Meda . They were both born outside Italy where they arrived as children and are now totally Italian , even with a little regional accent in Kassim ’ s case …
Kassim Conteh is a wellknown acquaintance on these pages since he came to train in Birmingham at Queen ’ s Foundation with the help of the
Richard and Erica Newbury with Kassim .
Waldensian Church Mission . Born in Sierra Leone , he arrived with his family in Milan . They had a long tradition of Methodist affiliation – his grandmother was a Methodist Minister , and his mother became a local preacher in Italy –
Cover : Head of Waldo , taken from the monument to Martin Luther in Worms ( 1868 ). A bronze engraving by the English artist Edward Whymper ( 1840 – 1911 ), better known as a great mountaineer ( the first to reach the top of Monte Cervino / Matterhorn and other peaks ).