Waldensian Review 142 Summer 2023 WR_142 | Page 2

Dear Friends and Supporters ,
From the Editor
Thank you again for your continuing help with letters , suggestions , donations , purchases and prayers ! Please do regularly look at our website www . waldensian . org . uk and on Facebook : The Waldensian Church Mission ! There are always news and updates !!
Synod 2023 ( 20 – 25 August in Torre Pellice ) is going to be ‘ full size ’ again and the ordinand is ‘ our ’ Giovanni Bernardini , who has been serving in Sicily . This is his presentation :
I am 31 years old and I am currently serving in the Waldensian churches of Riesi ( CL ) and Agrigento . Like many pastors ’ children , I grew up within the Waldensian Church , particularly the one in Turin . However , in my ‘ youth ’ my journey with God went beyond the borders of the Waldensian churches ; for example , for a few years I spent a few summer months as an ‘ au pair boy ’ at the Community and Family Association in Berzano ( AL ). There I was able to experience basic Catholicism that literally put the hoe and spade alongside the Bible . During the cool hours we worked in the garden , while in the hot hours we experienced community life . Still in the Catholic sphere , I had the opportunity to collaborate and participate for several years in the AGESCI camps ; even on this occasion my being ‘ the non-Catholic one ’ was not only respected , but also welcomed as an element of enrichment and comparison . In the Reformed sphere , I participated for five years in the camps in England organised by the London City Mission ( Baptist Church ) and then , like many of our churches , I experienced the multi-ethnic and inter-religious reality of Agape first as a camper , then on a couple of occasions as staff for the International Theological Camp .
My curiosity and desire to learn about faith and / or community realities has not waned over the years . In fact , during my years of study at the Faculty of Theology , in addition to strengthening the foundations of my being a believer , I thought that the best ( and perhaps the only ) way to get to know the reality of our BMV churches was to come into direct contact with them . This experiential baggage undoubtedly contributed to beginning the subsequent probationary period with greater serenity and knowledge of what it meant to be part of a community in a specific geographical , cultural and social context . In addition to the desire to get to know Italian realities , a desire arose to come into contact again with foreign realities : in particular , I took part in various forums and conferences for Young Theology in Europe .
It all started from the desire , dare I say the need , to put myself at the service of God , his Word and people ( of the Communities and otherwise ); and now that I am dedicated to it full-time I confirm this choice every day with conviction .
Cover photo : Congregation with Giovanni and Noemi Bernardini outside the Waldensian Church in Riesi .