Waldensian Review 140 Summer 2022 140 | Page 8

a prophetic quality for which I can take no credit . It was — in my Calvinist opinion — an act of pure providence .
Looking back on it , I can see the hand of Providence in so many aspects of my time in Italy . In addition to the hospitality I received at the Anglican Centre , I received enormous support from Waldensian friends and colleagues . Fiona Kendell at Mediterranean Hope was indispensable as ‘ translator in chief ’, helping me cope with the intricacies of Italian forms and pandemic travel . The weekly Waldensian worship service via Zoom became a highlight of my week . I especially enjoyed the expressions of happy surprise in the chat : ‘ Are you still here !?’
In mid-May the travel restrictions lifted just enough for me to make my way to the little village of Verne near Torre Pellice . I have to admit , I did enjoy exchanging the street noise of Rome to the cowbells of Angrogna .
On 4 July 2021 , I was able to return safely to my home in Holland , Michigan . But I will never forget all the kindness , generosity , and hospitality I experienced during my surprising sabbatical . I learned first-hand how much it means to say , ‘ I was a stranger and you welcomed me .
Carol M . Bechtel
Executive Director of the American Waldensian Society , as well as Professor of Old Testament at Western Theological Seminary in Holland , Michigan
I also found the online address by Carol to the Waldensian Synod 2021 very appropriate . Starting from 1906 when the American Waldensian Aid Society was founded she underlined that its members were all from the Waldensian Valleys and their aim was to help people and Churches from there . When , as it happens , little by little the original Waldensians started moving around in the States and joining mainstream churches , other people learned about the Waldensian Church and its history . Later on the perception changed : during WWII the Americans liked the Waldensians because so many had been antifascist ; after the war they liked the effort towards reconciliation and later the stances for social justice . Now there is a lot of admiration for what this small Church is doing , leading the way in accepting migrants and helping refugees to escape danger and persecution in legal ways . Many , Carol and her husband included , joined and are joining the American Waldensian Society , as it is now called , despite not having any blood connection with the Waldensians of the Valleys , because of the affinity they feel with it .
The Beckwith connection in Chester
One of the things which I have found to occupy time in retirement has been to renew my acquaintance with Chester Cathedral . Over 60 years ago I went to the King ’ s School , then moved from its cramped quarters in the Cathedral where it had been since its foundation in 1542 and relocated in splendid new