Waldensian Review 140 Summer 2022 140 | Page 18

The Waldensian Church
It is the native Protestant Church of Italy whose origins pre-date the Reformation . It arose from an evangelical movement founded in the 12th century by Waldo , a rich merchant from Lyon , who was to inspire St Francis : he gave all away to the poor and started preaching the Gospel in the vernacular , which caused conflict with the Papacy . Travelling in pairs the Waldensian itinerant preachers , having learnt the Scriptures by heart , set off to found underground communities from Sicily to Russia . The ensuing persecution by the Inquisition drove them into their mountain fastness in the Alpine Valleys of northwest Italy , where they remain in what are still called the Waldensian Valleys . At their Synod in 1532 they voted to join the Genevan Reformation , a decision that brought even more persecution upon this exposed outpost of Protestantism . Their sufferings were recorded in Milton ’ s famous sonnet “ On The Late Massacre in Piedmont ”. Their survival down to the present has been a remarkable testament of faith .
The Waldensian community was emancipated in 1848 , but did not reach full freedom until 1984 . Since the Italian unification in 1860 they have established churches throughout Italy and , following emigration , in the USA , Argentina and Uruguay . In 1979 the Italian Methodist Church combined with them and they hold a common annual Synod , which is the controlling authority of the Church and takes place in Torre Pellice . The Churches of Rio de la Plata have their own Synod , Board and Moderator .
The 60 parishes have founded 120 outreach activities ranging from schools , hospitals , children ’ s and old people ’ s homes , radio stations , and ecumenical community centres , often catering for the needs of the most deprived and mafia-ridden parts of Italy , especially the disadvantaged South and the new immigrant communities .
The Waldensian Church has a theological college in Rome , a publishing house , Claudiana , and a weekly paper , Riforma .
The English Committee of the Waldensian Church Missions
This was founded in 1825 as a support group for the Waldensian Church in Italy . Since 1979 its finances , together with those of the Vaudois Pastors Fund , have been administered by Trustees under the terms of the Scheme drawn up by the Charity Commission and dated 18 January that year .
The Committee seek to arouse interest and financial support in England and Wales for the Waldensian Church . Twice yearly we publish a Waldensian Review and occasionally other literature . We also arrange meetings for Waldensian pastors visiting this country and support students of Theology who want to spend the compulsory ‘ year abroad ’ studying in this country .
There are similar Waldensian support groups in Scotland , Ireland , USA and in various European countries .