From the Editor
Dear Friends and Supporters , I hope you haven ’ t been too severely affected by Covid-19 and restrictions and that life ( and Church life !) is nearly back to normal .
Thank you for your continuing support in donations and prayers . Please do regularly look at our website www . waldensian . org . uk and check on our Facebook site as well : The Waldensian Church Mission . There is always something new !
Our Awayday in Barnet on 16 October , held in the beautiful Christ Church , had three great speakers , but didn ’ t have a large audience , therefore please watch it on our website !
Kassim Conteh , our student at Queen ’ s Foundation , Birmingham , whom we met in the flesh at last , spoke about his experience after his BA in Theology . Before coming to the UK , he was seconded to the Waldensian Valleys , where he was happy to find Sunday schools full of children , Catechism classes with plenty of teenagers and ministers ’ meetings with 15 or more colleagues from nearby places .
He is now enjoying the College , the tutoring , the fellowship and altogether his life in Birmingham . He
Our Chairman , Ian Nimmo-Smith with Kassim at Christ Church in Barnet .
No . 139 Winter 2021
Editor : Mrs Erica Scroppo Newbury , 85 St Andrew ’ s Road , Cambridge cb4 1dh . Telephone 01223-315753 ; email ericascroppo @ hotmail . com