Waldensian Review 138 Summer 2021 | Page 3

WALDENSIAN AWAYDAY 2021 ( God willing , IN PERSON !)
SATURDAY 16 OCTOBER at Christ Church , BARNET , St Albans Road , EN5 4LA
10.30 a . m .– 1 p . m ., tea and coffee available DO COME and meet new and old friends and listen to : Kassim Conteh , Italian student of Theology at Queen ’ s Foundation , Birmingham ; Rev . Richard Grocott , Methodist Church and WCM representative at Synod 2021 ; Rev . Tim Macquiban , Minister of Ponte Sant ’ Angelo Church in Rome 2014 – 19 , Director of the Methodist Ecumenical Office and a member of the Waldensian Synod .
Black and white vintage stunning pictures from the Waldensian Archive . Bible verses also in English . Available from October . Please order online at www . waldensian . org . uk or send a cheque for £ 18 ( payable to Waldensian Church Mission ) to Erica Newbury , 85 St Andrew ’ s Road , Cambridge CB4 1DH .
Higher price due to increased postage . ORDER two for £ 30 ! One for you , one for a friend ! )
Virtual Awayday 23 January 2021
On 23 January over 68 people took part in our first ever virtual away day . People gathered from across the globe , some getting up during the night , and some postponing their lunch to be there for the whole event . We had people come to their first ever Waldensian Awayday , and others who had gathered on many occasions before . The day was put together by the trustees , with Erica Scroppo‐ Newbury introducing the speakers , Alastair Morris and Rev . Mike Thomason making the technology work , and Dr Ian Nimmo-Smith chairing the day .