choir following one of the tours mentioned above was a real highlight , followed a few years later when I became their son ’ s godmother in a service in Luserna San Giovanni . I have discovered a deep appreciation of the mountains surrounding Torre and love spending time walking with friends . I have really benefited from the experience in so many ways that I can ’ t recommend a year (!) out in Italy enough !
To end , some thank yous . Thank you to the late Marion Shaw and Rev . Michael McGowan for having listened to me ( and to the still unknown Waldensian ‘ angel ’ Michael met — if it was you please let me know !). Also to David Parry and the late John Alford ( Chairman and my Rep on the Missionary Committee ) for their encouragement and for
With Milvia Walker on 17 February 1993 . overseeing my support . Thank you to my colleagues and the members of the Waldensian Church in Torre Pellice for their welcome and unending hospitality .
Thank you to my many Italian friends of all ages , you have invited me into your homes , made me feel part of your families , gently corrected my initially faltering Italian ( so later a market-stall holder would ask me where I learned my English !) and you have become life-long friends . To Richard and Milvia Walker , who have always been there for me .
Thank you to a whole host of Waldensian Pastors from whom I have learned so much , too many to list individually except for Bruno Rostagno , Claudio Pasquet and more recently Marcello Salvaggio and Stefano D ’ Amore .
But above all thank you to God who made it all possible and who we all serve and trust .
P . S . Having written this article , I was sent a photocopy of three letters which were recently found in the offices of the Waldensian Cultural Centre in Torre Pellice . They are letters to the then Director , Pastor Giorgio Tourn , two from me introducing myself and informing him when I would arrive . The third is from Erica Scroppo Newbury and includes this description of me : ‘ She is perhaps a bit shy and will need encouragement but she is also very capable .’ Thanks Erica !
Nicky Raddon