Waldensian Review 138 Summer 2021 | Page 12

A Choir trip to Novara with some of my now closest friends . Giulia is in the centre . reminiscing a lot about my time in Italy , a period which has enriched my life so much and without which I believe I would be a very different person .
Over the years I have often been asked , ‘ Why did you volunteer in Italy ?’ By 1991 I had finished my Library training and had been working for three years as a Children ’ s Librarian in my local Public Library , a job I absolutely loved . Since about the age of 19 , when Marion Shaw , a lovely ex-missionary to Algeria at my Church ( Christ Church Barnet ) told me she felt sure God would use my ability to speak Italian , followed by time spent as an au pair and student in Venice , I had felt what I can only describe as a calling to do something for the church in Italy . Having studied History at Warwick University , I had heard of the Waldensian heresy but had no idea that the movement still existed . My calls to missionary societies I had come across ( I was the Youth Rep on my Church ’ s Missionary Committee ) had drawn a blank , so I decided to talk to my vicar , Rev . Michael McGowan . He listened to my thoughts in silence , prayed with me and told me he would get back to me . The next evening he called me . After our meeting he had gone to an ecumenical meeting and sitting next to him was a representative of the Waldensian Church who gave him Erica Newbury ’ s details . I was amazed and phoned Erica , who was leaving for Italy the next day . She called me on her return and said that there were lots of possibilities , but one of the most urgent was someone to work in the Library of the Waldensian Cultural Centre . When I replied , ‘ Great , I ’ m a Librarian !’, she was as excited as I was . A few weeks later , in November 1990 , I went to visit Torre Pellice and four months later with the full backing of my Church and with a representative on the Missionary Committee , I arrived to start my ‘ year ’ there .
I so enjoyed my work in the Library in the Cultural Centre and being part of the Waldensian Church in Torre . I also did some English teaching in the Waldensian College , the local secondary school . Very early on Giulia D ’ Ursi invited me to a Sunday afternoon ladies ’ meeting ; she soon became a great friend . Within a few months I was in the Church Choir , helping with Pre-catechism classes ( 12 – 14-year-olds )— encouraged by my neighbour Massimo Long , the Youth Pastor for the Pellice Valley and the Assistant Pastor in Torre