Waldensian Review 129 | Page 3

The calendar has evocative vistas and Bible verses in various languages while the reverse sides are dedicated to an illustrated history of the Reformation in Italy , which all makes for an intriguing and fascinating read ! Order it for £ 12 from Milvia Walker , 19 Forest Approach , Woodford Green , IG8 9BW ( cheques payable to Waldensian Church Mission ).
OR order online at : www . waldensian . org . uk
www . waldensian . org . uk
For the first time , the English Committee in aid of the Waldensian Church Missions now has its own website . On the site you are able to download the latest copy of the Waldensian Review , but also access the archive of the magazine , going all the way back to 2005 .
There are also useful links to other Waldensian websites and reading matter , in both English and Italian . These include some of the Waldensian guest houses which you can stay at while visiting Italy .
Perhaps most excitingly for the prospects of the committee , we now have the ability to take online donations to our funds . As well as details about how to set up a standing order , and gift aid your donations , you can easily click through to the donation pages and make an instant credit or debit card payment . These are supported free of charge for charities by BT , so you can be sure that it is reliable and secure . Furthermore , the site can automatically reclaim gift aid on our behalf . What could be easier ?
To round things off , the website has all the important contact details for the key committee members and a link to our online Charity Commission records .
We hope that this first foray into the internet will only be the beginning and the website will offer us many more possibilities in the future , including online sales of publications and plenty more reading matter .
So if you have any suggestions about what could feature on the site , or ways to improve it , we would be delighted to hear from you . Please contact the website editor Alastair Morris with your ideas : website @ waldensian . org . uk
And finally , please spread the word about the website , sharing the new web address online , linking to it from other sites and raising its profile . We hope that it will become one of the leading English language sites on the Waldensian Church .