WAiWAi 喂喂雜誌 10 Oct 2013, Issue 081 (Sydney) | Page 25

NEWS | iPhone 5s 5c 2013 9 20 Telstra iPhone 5s iPhone 5c iPhone Telstra 9 20 Telstra iPhone 4G Mr Galluccio Dom Galluccio Apple Telstra 4G iPhone 16GB 32GB Telstra 64GB iPhone 5s The Macallan 1842 $864 $984 $1,128 The Macallan 1824 iPhone 5c 16GB 32GB $720 Beam Global Australia Amber Sienna Ruby Cheryl Tang Beam Global Australia 1842 $864 iPhone 4s $528 The Macallan The Macallan Amber Sienna Ruby 2013 9 25 Concourse PlayKing TFI 9 The Fashion Institute(TFI) Sarah Stavrow 2010 24 28 TFI Certificate in Fashion Fundamentals(Major in Fashion Business) TFI Westpac Westpac( ) 77% Westpac (Hidden Gem Suburbs) Westpac Buyers Guide) Westpac (Home (Home Finder) Apple itunes 25