Wagons West Chronicles October Issue 2016 October Issue | Page 16

16 October 2016 Wagons West Chronicles



Pulled the Trigger and It Fired Eight Shots in Succession .
April 6 , 1895 , News , Amarillo , Texas — What is claimed to be a most remarkable weapon , and one which is as great an improvement over the ordinary revolver for military purposes as was the revolver over the old time horse pistol has been brought out by a Berlin firm .
The construction of this latestdevelopment in fire arm manufacture is upon entirely new lines , so far as regards small arms . The cartridges , which are eight in number , are contained within a magazine in the grip . The action of the piece is so rapid that the eye cannot follow the movements and the whole eight shots can be fired before the first shell ejected has struck the ground .
The cartridges are brought to the front of the block , when the latter is moved to the rear in opening the breech , and its proper position in the firing chamber . The recoil at firing drives the barrel and breech mechanism to the rear , and three friction rolls of the rear link rakes against the curved butt , and are pushed downward , the middle joint of angle is raised , and the breech block slides , taking with it the empty shell by means of the extractor , until the extractor strikes the shell from below and throws it out , and the surplus momentum of the recoiling ports is taken up all the recoil of the spring , against each the friction rolls impinge . As soon as the recoil , which is so eased as to be scarcely noticeable to the hand is spent , a spring draws the toggle link forward and downward , the breech block pushes the upper cartridge into the barrel and the firing bolt is arrested and cocked by the rear .
The safety prevents accidents when the arm is not in action ; otherwise the pistol is always cocked and ready for service . The pistol weights 2 ¾ pounds , with a 6-inch barrel and 2 4 / 5 pounds with a 7 1 / 3 inch barrel . The projectile weight 35 grains and is projected by the cartridge at about 1,200 feet per second .
Frank Loving and Levi Richardson Fight With Pistols . Loving Comes Out With a Scratch and Richardson Goes to His Grave .
Frank James ’ Trial from page 15 have been the shedding of much innocent blood , so we were glad that it was not necessary .
When all the evidence was in , I happened to be selected to make the first speech for the defense . I had prepared none , but , as I arose to talk a shaft of sunlight came through one of the windows and shone directly on James ’ face . It showed me a scar on his forehead , a scar I had never noticed before , yet that morning it was as plain as his features . I made sure the jury could see it , as well as I , and then I made my speech on that . None of the witnesses had mentioned it , but
April 8 , 1879 , Ford County Globe , Dodge City , Kansas — There is seldom witnessed in any civilized town or country such a scene as transpired at the Long Branch Saloon , in this city , last Saturday evening , resulting in the killing of Levi Richardson , a well known freighter , of this city , by a gambler named Frank Loving .
For several months Loving has been living with a woman toward whom Richardson seems to have cherished tender feelings , and on one or two occasions previous to this which resulted so fatally , they have quarreled and even come to blows . Richardson was a man who had lived for several years on the frontier , and though well liked in many respects , he had cultivated habits of bold and daring , which are always likely to get a man into trouble . Such a disposition as he possessed might be termed bravery by many , and indeed we believe he was the reverse of a coward . He was a hard working , industrious man , but young and strong and reckless .
Loving is a man of whom we know but very little . He is a gambler by profession ; not much of a rowdy , but more of the cool and desperate order , when he has a killing on hand . He is about 25 years old . Both , or either of these men , we believe , might have avoided this shooting if either had possessed a desire to do so . But both being willing to risk their lives , each with confidence in himself , they fought because they wanted to fight . As stated in the evidence below , they met , one said “ I don ’ t believe you will fight .” The other answered “ try me and see ,” and immediately both drew murderous revolvers and at it they went , in a room filled with people , the leaden missives flying in all directions . Neither exhibited any sign of a desire to escape the other , and there is no telling how long the fight might have lasted had not Richardson been pierced with bullets and Loving ’ s pistol left with a cartridge . Richardson was shot in the breast , through the side and through the right arm . It seems strange that Loving was not hit , except a slight scratch on the hand , as the two men were so close together that their pistols almost touched each other . Eleven shots were fired , six by Loving and five by Richardson . Richardson only lived a few moments after the shooting . Loving was places in jail to await the verdict of the coroner ’ s jury , which was “ self defense ,” and he was released . Richardson has no relatives in this vicinity . He was from Wisconsin . About twentyeight years old .
Together with all the better class of our community we greatly regret this terrible affair . We do not believe it is a proper way to settle difficulties , and we are positive it is not according to any law , human or divine . But if men must continue to persist in settling their disputes with fire arms we would be in favor of the dueling system , which would not necessarily endanger the lives of those who might be passing up or down the street attending to their own business .
We do not know that there is cause to censure the police , unless it be to urge upon them the necessity of strictly enforcing the ordinance preventing the carrying of concealed weapons . Neither of these men had a right to carry such weapons . Gamblers , as a class , are desperate men . They consider it necessary in their business that they keep up their fighting reputation , and never take a bluff . On no account should they be allowed to carry deadly weapons .
it seemed as if it would be impossible to look at the man without its attracting attention . So my remarks were not lost on the jury , although up to the time I arose I myself had never noticed it .
“ The other lawyers followed and the jury did not take long to decide that James was innocent . The ovation which followed was almost as enthusiastic as that which followed the acquittal of his nephew in Kansas City . Shortly after James came to this city , and his conduct since that time has been such that there are few men in the city who have so many or such loyal friends .