WAGazine April 2018 | Page 3

On Saturday 3 March, we hosted our first Pen-It of the year. The afternoon was filled with fun writing activities like Words on a Whim, and a special challenge inspired by this year's Voices theme: to write a piece, of any style and any genre, without using any of the letters F, A, V, O, U, or R... Could you do it?

This year, we switched things up a bit and held our auditions virtually! We invited interested artists to email us an audio or video recording of their piece by 15 April, and the turn-out was impressive!

April was National Poetry Writing Month, and we attempted to write 30 poems in 30 days. Check out our Facebook page for a sample of what we came up with, or the

Join us at our general meetings!

The last Thursday of every month

4:30 p.m. @ Marryshow House


Voices VII Auditions



NaPoWriMo website for more information on the challenge.