Wadah Perpustakaan 2013 | Page 3

AFCC The Asian Festival of Children's Content (AFCC) aims to foster the creation, production and publication of children’s and young adults’ materials with Asian content in all formats and to facilitate their distribution. Asia is rich in culture and tradition; a heritage from which content could be developed. The AFCC draws the attention of content creators and producers to this vast opportunity, and also showcases content already available, and promotes new materials that have been produced and published. The National Book Development Council of Singapore has been organising the highly popular Asian Children’s Writers & Illustrators Conference for the past ten years. Leveraging on its success, the conference was expanded to form AFCC which has emerged as a very popular professional and trade event since 2010. AFCC 2013 from 25-30 May 2013 had 4 main conferences: Teachers Congress, Parents Forum, Writers’ and illustrators’ Conference & Media Summit. There will also be Literature Lecture and Awards Presentations. The festival will also have seminars, masterclasses, rights fair, media mart, and public events throughout the 6 days. This year the country of focus is Malaysia while the Philippines centre stage last year. Next year India will become the country of focus. took the 25 May 2013, AFCC Pre school and Primary Teachers Congress The AFCC Preschool & Primary Teachers Congress provides teachers and educators with the skills and knowledge to impart early literacy through bilingualism to their charges as a child transitions from early childhood to primary school. 25 May 2013, AFCC Parents Forum The AFCC Parents Forum offers parents, teachers, and other related professionals the opportunity to get support, information, and advice on nurturing early learning and bilingualism at home. For children accompanying their parents, separate activities for the children will be available. 27 May 2013, Malaysian Night 28 May 2013 Board of Advisors Meeting and Awards Night 28-29 May 2013, AFCC Writers and Illustrators Conference Over the course of the two-day conference, writers and illustrators come together with publishers, editors, literary agents, and other industry professionals in celebration of children’s content from Asia and around the world. This year’s conference will have an added emphasis on Young Adult literature and children’s works in translation. 29 May 2013, AFCC Media Summit The AFCC Media Summit gathers content creators and media professionals from around the world for a one-day conference focusing on Asian children’s media content, a forum for sharing ideas and knowledge, skills training and development, and networking. The Summit will focus on maximising content through transmedia storytelling. 29 May 2013 AFCC Dinner Go to page 8 Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.7, Julai 2013 Page 3