Wadah Perpustakaan 2013 | Page 2

NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMPOWERING THE READING CULTURE A meeting between BLA and DBP Brunei was held on 6 Feb 2013 at Class 64 Library to update on the preparations for the conference with the theme ‘Reading Empowers the Nation’ to be held on 13-14 March 2013 at UBD. Present were Pn Nellie, Awg Hj Sahari, Awg Hj Abd Talip, Nur Nadzirah from BLA, and librarians from DBP Brunei were present. Some 400 participants are expected to attend with papers presented by distinguished speakers from Brunei Darussalam, Australia, Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore. LIBRARY BOULEVARD Brunei Darussalam as A member of the Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians has been invited by th the IFLA Organising Committee of the 79 IFLA GA and Conference to join in the CONSAL exhibition named the CONSAL Library Boulevard to be held during the conference in Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore. BLA in cooperation with Library Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Brunei will lead the initiative. A local Task Force co-chaired by Pn Nellie and Aw Hj Sahari has been set-up. The CONSAL Library Boulevard will display information on each CONSAL member country done through roll-up banners placed at the strategic location at the Convention Centre. This will be an effective way to publicise and gives an overview of library developments in the ASEAN region to the international delegations attending the conference coming from all over the world. 13TH AGM SOUVENIR PROGRAMME BOOK Editing work continues for the souvenir publication. The book contains information of the Council th Members, photographs of the accomplishments of the 12 BLA Council from 2008 to 2012. CONSAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TRADITIONAL CULTURES The publication project spearheaded by Brunei Darussalam Library Association is participated by Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The respective National Team Leaders are Mr Hj Abd Talip Hj Tassim. Ms Noryati, Acting Director National Library Thailand. and Ms Phan Thi Kim Dzung The first report is due in February 2013. Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.2 Feb 2013 Page 2