Wadah Perpustakaan 2013 | Page 2

From page 1 Brunei Darussalam was represented by Nellie DPH Sunny, BLA President, Nur Nadzirah Zainul’arifin, BLA Secretary and Tuan Hj Sahari Hj Nassar, Chief Librarian Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Brunei. The 1st Meeting began with introduction of members as the meeting welcomed both old and new faces to the Board. Besides approving the minutes of the 3rd Meeting of CONSAL XV EB in Bali 2012, a brief update from each member country. The meeting went on to discuss about the preparations for the upcoming CONSAL XVI General Conference to be held on 8-12 June 2015 in Bangkok. The registration fees have been as low as possible to encourage younger librarians to participate in the conference. The theme of the conference is ASEAN Aspirations: libraries as sustainable advancement. It was chosen to address CONSAL’s concerns and is in line with the ASEAN Declaration on the ASEAN Community 2015 and the three pillars of ASEAN; addressing issues on prioritizing education and life-long learning, literacy, knowledge sharing, investing in HRD training and capacity building, unity and a common ASEAN identity. The meeting also discussed the ‘revival’ of the CONSAL Secretary General. The presence of the CONSAL Sec Gen is important in future EB meetings. The Meeting heard progress reports of projects initiated by CONSAL member countries. Country Brunei Darussalam (BLA) Indonesia Singapore (NLB) Thailand Name of projects initiated CONSAL Bibliography on Traditional Cultures Directory of Leading women of Southeast Asia Indonesian Proclaimator Collection on Soekarno and Muhammad Hatta Profile of LIS education. Business Excellence Framework Treasures of National Libraries a workshop on preservation and conservation of documentary heritage of ASEAN Counties The meeting also agreed for Khunying Maenmas being among the earliest EB member to spear head a publication on the history of CONSAL with inputs from each member country. This publication is due in 2015. The 2nd EB meeting is scheduled to be held on 7-9 May 2014 in Thailand. Wadah Perpustakaan Bil.6 Jun 2013 Page 2