W3 Boom Magazine 1st Ed | Page 14

W3 Boom ! Magazine 1 st Ed 2013

W3 Boom ! Magazine 1 st Ed 2013

Who is behind WordPress and Associated Press Hacks ?

Today , April 23 , 2013 , Associated Press ( AP ) Twitter account was hacked around 1 pm EST . The hackers posted a message to more than 1.9 million followers about pomp explosion at the White House and injury of the president Obama . This tweet was re-tweeted around 5000 within one minute !
This small tweet caused a sudden drop in the stock market , which was a shocking surprise for the money world .
This Hack came after less than two weeks from the attempt to hack the WordPress ( WP ) blog installation . WP is the most popular blog platform which is owned by Google and used by millions . Over 90,000 IP addresses have lunched a brute force attack to target WordPress blog installations . There were several attempts to break the “ Admin ” dashboard . Big hosting companies , like Hostgator and CloudFlare , reported that this attack has been the largest hacking attempt recently .
Hacking happens every day .
With millions of internet users and billions of websites , hacking became a common crime in the modern world . It only gets to the public attention when it happens on large scale or target popular sites . Sometimes hackers claim responsibility , but most of the times they stay quite .
For today hacking on the Associated Press , media reported that the Syrian Electronic Army claim responsibility for the accident .
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