Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = w05 _ Grade r _ h1 _ Airline _ LastFirst- % 28solution % 29
Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = w05 _ Grade r _ h1 _ Airline _ LastFirst- % 28solution % 29
Sunset Airlines
Project Description :
You are hired as a marketing manager for a small airline service . Your first big assignment is to develop a marketing flyer . To complete the assignment , you will change the margins , create a masthead , create columns and format text , and add graphics for visual effects .
Instructions :
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks :
Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Word . Download and open the Word file 0 namedw05 _ Grader _ h1 _ Airline . docx .
Save the document asw05 _ Grader _ h1 _ Airline _ LastFirst .