Community Focus
October 2013
ue to the growth and expansion taking place at Kennedy, the preschool program was challenged this year
with the task of initiating a new drop off
and pick up procedure for our preschool
students. In collaboration with the
Eastlake Police Department and the
Eastlake Fire Department, the Willoughby-Eastlake staff worked with our preschool parents to develop and implement
a safe, efficient and effective process of
getting our students into school at the
start of the day and picked up by their
parents at the end of the day. The collaboration between the community,
school staff and parents was fantastic.
This cooperative spirit shared by all allowed for a safe and calming experience
for our young students. Special thanks
go to Eastlake Chief of Police, Larry
Reik who came to Kennedy to assist
with the traffic flow and advise staff on
the safety of the traffic pattern. Thank
you Chief Reik.
Kudos goes to one of WilloughbyEastlake’s Intervention Specialists who
teaches our autism students at Eastlake
Middle School, Mrs. Charlene Camino.
Mrs. Camino was featured in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Sunday, September
1, 2013, as she shared her experience
teaching children with disabilities. Mrs.
Camino was quoted as saying “I learn
from my students every day! They teach
me true diversity and understanding. It
is truly satisfying to see them grow.” I
would like to thank Mrs. Camino for her
hard work and dedication to our students. Willoughby-Eastlake Schools is
truly fortunate to have many dedicated
professionals such as Mrs. Camino serving our children.
- Eileen Bowers
Charlene Camino
And rally for the Levy
Saturday , Oct. 19th
Come celebrate our community and our schools!
Chilli Cook-off: Noon to 5pm
Rally for the levy:
3pm to 5pm
Win $5,000 in the Football
Toss (Sponsored by Glazier Insurance)
Food, Music, Games, and
much more...