W-E Schools District Focus December, 2013 | Page 8
n addition to visits from our fire department, we had assemblies for all students from the Illuminating Company. These assemblies discussed the importance of conserving energy and using alternate sources of energy to help conserve natural resources. The students really enjoyed these entertaining assemblies and learned a lot from them, too. Thank you to the Illuminating Company for sponsoring
these school-wide assemblies.
At Grant Elementary, we have a wonderful parent committee (PTC). The PTC does so many incredible things for our school and students. Some of these include activities like our Fall Fest and Dance
a Thon. PTC also organized a special day at Patterson’s Farm for the students of Grant Elementary.
They also organized and ran our school book fair. Profits from this book fair are used to purchase books
and other items for the school. Coming up soon, our PTC will be hosting a Snowflake Shop for the students to do their holiday shopping. Finally, parents from our PTC volunteer every other Thursday to
make popcorn for the students. The students really look forward to all of these wonderful things our
PTC does. Thank you, PTC!
The students, parents and teachers of Grant Elementary do many wonderful things throughout
the school year. Please be sure to visit our website and sign up for our bi-weekly newsletters to stay
current on all of the exciting things happening at our school. We are proud of everyone here at Grant
Elementary School and are proud to be Grant Bulldogs.
Another year, another successful PTC carnival hosted by the parent group at Grant
Elementary. For five years, Grant has hosted this carnival to raise money for field
trips and technology. A fun time was had by all.