W-E Schools District Focus December, 2013 | Page 14
Willoughby-Eastlake Association for the Gifted & Talented
(WEAGT) has expanding to become
WEAGT Academic Boosters for the entire W-E School District!
What is WEAGT Academic Boosters’ purpose? 1. To continue to support the Zenith program
students, parents & teachers. 2. District wide expansion to recognize and reward student academic
achievement, scholastic improvement, positive attitudes and extraordinary efforts of all students
grades K through 12th and to recognize, reward and assist all Willoughby-Eastlake staff members.
This means WEAGT will still be supporting the Zenith teachers and students through membership in
OAGC (Ohio Association for Gifted Children), funding extra field trips, providing discretionary funds
to the Zenith teachers for their classrooms needs, etc. We will also support competitions like middle
school Power of the Pen, high school Academic Decathlon and more.
Being new this year, we have many ideas on additional ways to support our W-E students academically & encourage positive attitudes. A few ideas: A “Caught Being Good” program, holding practice ACT testing, Level Up Award, Outstanding Achievement Award, teacher mini-grant program
and student scholarships are just a few of the ideas discussed so far.
We welcome your ideas and suggestions and need your help! With over 8,000 students in the
district and 12 schools to cover, the size of this task seems extraordinary. With your help we
can make this happen! Come to our meetings, share your ideas, become a member knowing your
dues will help make our first year as a district wide Academic Boosters a success.
WEAGT Academic Boosters meetings will be held in the Tech Center Auditorium Door #1.
Meetings start at 7 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except Feb & April 2014).
Remaining 2013: December 17
2014: January 21, February 11, March 18, April 22, May 20
Auction 2014 (Our Main Fund-Raising Event) – March 15, 2014 at Patrician Party Center
Our athletically talented students have an Athletic Boosters, our musically talented students
have a Band Boosters…it’s time our academically talented students have an Academic
Check out our website www.weagtohio.org. Email: [email protected]
Congratulations to North senior Lynsey
Englebrecht on scoring her 1,000 career
point !