Vermont News Guide Rate Card 2023 | Page 3

n Credit TERMS
n Technical GUIDELINES

VERMONT news guide

Vermont News Guide Office :
P . O . Box 900 Arlington , Vermont 05250 ( 802 ) 362-3535
vtnewsguide . com Joshua Sherman , MD , President / Publisher
Advertising accepted by Old Mill Road Media is subject to all terms and conditions contained herein . Eligibility for retail rate is at the discretion of the general manager .
• Contract advertising and applicable contract rate is governed by the general manager . The general manager reserves the right to cancel an advertising contract due to failure of an advertiser to meet the terms of contract .
• The general manager reserves the right to change the rates stipulated herein on thirty ( 30 ) days written notice .
• All display advertisements are measured and billed using modular system .
• The word “ advertisement ” to indicate paid advertising will be printed across the top of each advertisement that simulates newspaper reading matter .
• The general manager reserves the right to revise or reject any advertisement .
• The general manager shall not be responsible for the omission , in whole or part , of an advertisement or for any typographical or other error .
• The general manager ’ s liability shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the first insertion only , and in no event shall the publisher be liable for consequences .
• Vermont referendum or election advertising must , by law , include the name and address of the person placing the advertisement . Advertisements being placed by a group must include the name of the treasurer of the group and such organizations must be registered with the appropriate town clerk . Referendum , election and political advertisements must be pre-paid .
• The newspaper cannot guarantee an advertisement will appear on a specific page or a specific position on the page . Position requests may be granted subject to availability and at sole discretion of the general manager .
Reserve Your Advertising Space with :
• Service Charges - Orders must be placed before deadline . Advertisements composed for publication , but not run on the original insertion date , must be run within 30 days , or the advertiser will be billed for 50 % of the cost of the space ordered .
n Credit TERMS
All new accounts are to be pre-paid until credit has been established . Credit shall be allowed at the sole discretion of the general manager . Accounts in arrears will be refused further advertising until such time as balance has been paid . Duplicate bills and tearsheets will be provided on request . Bills not paid when due may be charged at 1.5 % per month on the unpaid balance or 18 % per annum . A service fee will be charged for all returned checks . All transient , “ Going Out of Business ” and political advertising must be paid in advance . “ Going Out of Business ” advertisements must show the closing out license number in the ad .
Display Ad and Classified Sales Donna Burgess 802.227.4333
General Manager - Billing and Classified Sales Angela Leonard 802.362.3535
Art Director / Production Jen Hathaway
Vice President of Marketing & Advertising Kimberly Jones 802.891.4771
Our art department is well-equipped to produce creative ad layouts at no additional charge to the customer . A “ spec ad ” can be requested one week in advance of appearing in paper . The customer may make design / typographical changes at this point . An “ Email Proof ” may be requested the week the ad is running as well , but only typographical errors can be changed .
n Technical GUIDELINES
We prefer PDF , but will accept packaged InDesign CS , Illustrator and Photoshop files . We do not accept Microsoft PowerPoint or Publisher . Electronic files can be submitted via email , or if the file is too large , Dropbox or any other file transfer site .

Donna Burgess 802.227.4333 donna @ oldmillroadmedia . com