VT College of Science Magazine Spring 2009 | Page 12

M a g a z i n e 10 KeY pRotein MoleCUle linKed to hUMan ChRoniC inflaMMatoRY diSeaSeS In a series of studies published throughout the past decade, Li’s group has defined a key protein molecule (IRAK-1) that was shown to be critical for processing diverse inflammatory signals, including microbial products, cytokines, and insulin. Li’s group discovered that excessive IRAK-1 activation is linked with the risk By Susan Trulove of atherosclerosis and diabetes. At the molecular level, Li’s labora- Liwu Li, associate professor of biological sciences at Virginia Tech, tory further discovered that IRAK-1 has a connection with cells has revealed a common connection between the cellular innate that eventually contribute to diverse inflammatory symptoms C o l l e g e o f S C i e n C e immunity network and human chronic inflammatory diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, including atherosclerosis, Type 2 diabetes, and neurodegenera- and lupus. “Chemical compounds targeting this molecule will tive diseases. The finding presents a viable cellular and molecular have enormous therapeutic potential,” Li said. target for the diagnosis and treatment of serious human inflam“There is still a long way to go for finding the actual cure for these matory diseases. diseases,” he said. “That is why we are combining expertise from “Researchers and physicians have long recognized that there is an various disciplines, including experimental biology and compu- association between these conditions. For example, obesity in- tational simulation. The Inflammation Center integrates faculty creases the risk of heart attack or stroke, Type 2 diabetes or insulin members with expertise in experimental molecular biology, cut- resistance, and Alzheimer’s disease,” said Li, who is the founding ting-edge imaging of inflamed cells and tissues, computational director of the Inflammation Center at Virginia Tech. simulation of cellular signaling networks, human and animal “Inflammation is the common mechanism,” he said. “Inflammation studies, and nano-technologies designing novel intervention.” Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties Inc. (VTIP) filed a patent ap- fend off infection and abnormal cell growth. On the other hand, Issue No. 6 sprINg 2009 is a double-edged sword. Proper inflammation is necessary to plication for Li’s discovery and its use as a diagnostic tool and excessive inflammation contributes to diverse chronic diseases, treatment strategy. “This technology will still take some time be- including atherosclerosis, diabetes, and lupus.” However, the fore there is a product,” said Li. complex cellular and molecular networks controlling inflammation are still poorly understood, he said. “The lack of understand- “But it is an important piece of intellectual property that will bening impedes our progress in treating serious chronic inflamma- efit from the increased emphasis on human health that is taking place at Virginia Tech now through the Virginia Tech Carilion Re- tory diseases.” Li continued page 13 we are combining expertise from various disciplines, including experimental biology and computational simulation. Liwu Li associate professor of biological sciences at Virginia Tech