VT College of Science Magazine Fall 2005 | Page 6

Ph o t o i n itiation One of the ways of decreasing the harsh side effects of chemotherapy is to deliver the therapy only to cancerous cells, thus maintaining the integrity of surrounding healthy tissue. Currently, one method that is fairly effective at more precisely targeting cancerous cells utilizes light-activated therapy. The patient (for example, one with esophageal cancer) takes the drug in pill form. It remains inert until a fiber optic bundle of light shines into the esophagus, which then activates the drug only at the location of the cancerous cells. This is a promising therapeutic technique, but it has a few inherent problems. The main one is that because the light energy is transferred to oxygen, it is actually the oxygen that kills the cancerous cells. This treatment method is not highly effective in aggressive tumors because they are already depleted of oxygen due to their rapid replication. Foundation funding to the tune of $300,000 for three years and is capturing the attention of research partners at other institutions across the country. BEFORE Vero cells. Area of light exposure in red. Research assistant Matthew Mongelli tests one of the luminescent samples. Photo by Michael Kiernan. “I am m o s t s u r p r i s e d by what yo u c a n a c c o m p l i s h when yo u u s e t h i s t y p e o f t e a m a p p ro a c h” AFTER TREATMENT C o l l a b o r a t i ve Be n e f i t s Brewer and Winkel agree that the collaborative effort on this research has been remarkable. “This is what really sets our research apart from what you see going on at medical schools,” Winkel said. “Rather than the trial and error of what works and what doesn’t, we are much more methodical so we can understand the mechanism and why things work or don’t work.” “We decided to come up with some molecular system