bridging the gap
from incarceration to community
Volume 1, Number 1
for a
Success Stories Help Amplify VSC’s Mission
eet Mr. John Doe, a District
of Columbia gentleman
who has witnessed the
destructive side of life. Incaracered
at age ___, he has since turned his
life around, thanks in part to VSC.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis
odio ac odio feugiat scelerisque.
Curabitur facilisis pellentesque
rutrum. Cras vel risus sed mi consequat pretium.
Morbi adipiscing, felis a pellentesque interdum, urna dolor accumsan dui, ac pretium massa lacus vitae elit.
Nunc posuere eros nibh, vel accumsan sapien bibendum eu. Fusce
tellus arcu, vulputate et ullamcorper
nec, vestibulum quis quam. Nunc
lacinia auctor libero, a mattis quam
hendrerit at.
Morbi sit amet risus lacinia, faucibus elit ac, vulputate metus. Mauris
dignissim, est in iaculis dignissim,
turpis elit cursus arcu, a dapibus
massa diam cursus neque. In enim
odio, aliquet et risus in, dignissim
ultrices lectus. Curabitur eget turpis
Curabitur eu semper urna. Phasellus ut sem aliquam, luctus erat in,
ultrices sem. Nullam non. lobortis
risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam
justo dolor, condimentum sit amet
laoreet nec, ornare sit amet turpis.
Curabitur eu semper urna. Phasellus ut sem aliquam, luctus erat in,
ultrices sem. Nullam non. lobortis
risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam
justo dolor, condimentum sit amet
laoreet nec, ornare sit amet turpis.
Continued on page 2
Recent VSC awards celebration during announcement of group’s new name.
New Name - New Look - New Web Site
Take a look at the top of this
page and you’ll see something
that’s been in the works for
several months. Yes, we’re still
known as the VSC. However, the
organization’s name is now Voices
for a Second Chance, a moniker
designed to better reflect VSC’s
overall goal and mission.
“We think our new name brings
to the forefront the main purpose
of VSC while at the same time
fostering our goal of providing
services that extensively curb
recitivism” said Paula Thompson
Felder, VSC’s executive director.
“We found that many people
thought we were were a tourist
group,” she added, referring to
the old Visitor’s Services Center
You can thank Ms. Judy Ritter
a Canadian journalist and the
mother of board member ________
_________ for the name. She came
up with the name one night while
____ ________________ __________
_________ ____________. “ I
thought the VSC would be better
known throught our community if
we changed our name to Voices for
a Second Chance” she said, adding
“I’m so happy to have added even
more to our great organization.”
Continued on page 2