Vritti December 2018 | Page 6

6 vritti December 2018 The Digital Financial Services Guide What Customers Want What customers require from digital banking, as per a study conducted by McKinsey, are simplicity and security. In a more physical brick and mortar banking processes what customers are looking out for is simple and secure digital way of getting over their day to day banking needs. As per the report, while banks typically focus on digitising high-cost processes such as loans, customers tend to value vanilla features as well. This may be, partly, due to the absence of seamless, easy- to-use, end-to-end loan-related solutions. If banks start offering quick loan applications, for example, they might raise customers' interest and increase digital sales. UAE Leads on the Regional Stage The United Arab Emirates has arguably the most favourable of ecosystems for the growth and sustenance of digital banking. The advancement digital technology infrastructure, the higher percentage of internet users, social media users, smart phone penetration etc are key factors driving this. In fact, select leading banks have already begun paving the way. According to EuroMoney, for instance, over 90 per cent of transactions executed at Mashreq Bank are being done through digital channels.