VPHCAP E-Newsletter September 2015 | Page 13

So long 6th MVPH


Thesis topics

Risk Factors Regarding the Foot and Mouth Disease Spread in the Country and Study the Current Foot and Mouth Disease Situation in Sri Lanka

- Ms. Umanga Wijewickramalage

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Study on Pig Meat Hygiene at Slaughterhouses and Markets in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand - Ms. Chayanee Jenpanich

Antimicrobial Resistance and their Association with Class 1 integrons in Salmonella Isolates from Broiler in Thailand -

Ms. Dujduan Kittiworawat

Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella Isolated from Chicken Production in Chiang Mai and Lamphun Provinces , Thailand

- Mr. Kyaw Myo Thant