So long 6th MVPH
Thesis topics
Risk Factors Regarding the Foot and Mouth Disease Spread in the Country and Study the Current Foot and Mouth Disease Situation in Sri Lanka
- Ms. Umanga Wijewickramalage
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Study on Pig Meat Hygiene at Slaughterhouses and Markets in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand - Ms. Chayanee Jenpanich
Antimicrobial Resistance and their Association with Class 1 integrons in Salmonella Isolates from Broiler in Thailand -
Ms. Dujduan Kittiworawat
Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella Isolated from Chicken Production in Chiang Mai and Lamphun Provinces , Thailand
- Mr. Kyaw Myo Thant