Voyageur Vol:1 | Page 15

V O Y A G E U R 14 By K. W. A. D. N. Wickramathilaka Udagama Kanda Udagama Kanda, a mountain in Sri Lanka, situated in Padukka Division, Colombo district, Western Province. It is the highest mountain in the district reaching a height of 1492 feet above sea level. The Labugama and Kalatuwawa reservoirs are also situated in the same mountain range. The mountain is mainly covered by Labugama - Kalatuwawa Forest Strict Reserve which is roughly the catchment area of the said reservoirs and is home to wild cats, foxes, deer, sambhur, wild boar, wild hare and porcupines. The village of Udagama is also on the slopes of the mountain. How to get in to this mountain, It is possible to get Udagama on few routes. It depends on your transportation. If you are taking a public transportation here is the possible route. Colombo to Padukka Junction 125 Route Bus P a d u k k a t o Udagama/Madakada - 239/2 Routes Bus It is possible to take Avissawella bus from Padukka but you should walk at least 3 KM to the destination. Please note that some busses are not going to the Madakada and they stop at Udagama junction, so you have to walk another 1 KM to reach your destination. If you are using a private vehicle, take Colombo to Meepa via A4 Highway. Take Right turn from Meepa Junction to the Ehala Bope Junction. Then go straight until you reach Y junction call "Gurulana" and take right from there. Go around 3 KM from the road until you find a suitable place to park your vehicle. When you pass Udagama junction you will find few streams along your road, but you should be careful enough to find them in the jungle.