Vox Latina Winter 2020 2115281 (1) | Page 19

How it was celebrated: Saturnalia was celebrated as a leisure day where work, school, and regular social patterns were halted. During this time, people would decorate their homes with greenery and wear colorful togas, socialize, feast, and give gifts. A commonly given gift were wax candles which symbolized light returning after the solstice. They would also give terracotta statuettes which symbolized human sacrifices that may have been performed past Saturnalias. Saturnalia was a holiday many Romans looked forward to. The poet Catullus even referred to Saturnalia as “the best of times”. During Christmastime, keep in mind its origins in Saturnalia. Fun Facts The first Saturnalia was 497 BC, the date of the dedication of a temple to Saturn. The standard greeting for Saturnalia was “lo Saturnalia!” The roles of slaves and masters were often switched where slaves could relax all day and sit at the head of the table while their masters served them.