Vox Latina 2019-2020 Vox Latina Fall 2019 | Page 23

Fall Issue, 2019 Juries in Ancient Greek city-states were made up of 500 citizens. They voted without discussion (imagine that!) and the majority won. They created the yo-yo! The yo-yo is one of the oldest toys in the world and is still a popular toy in today’s Geometry was discovered by a Greek mathematician. When you solve your next proof, make sure to thank Euclid for his super fun math. discovery At the age of seven, boys in Athens would go to school. In contrast, boys in Sparta started military training. Imagine starting training to fight in first grade! According to myth, the reason why Athens is named after Athena and not Poseidon is because Poseidon gave the Athenians a spring that was too salty, which was no match for Athena's olive tree! 23