Vox Latina 2013-2018 Vox Latina 2018 | Page 9

Tips to Winning Graphic Arts By Andrew Murtaugh With many schools requiring a minimum number of projects at state convention, competition can be stiff. Because of this, I have created this list of important tactics to remember based on my observations which, hopefully will increase your odds of taking home one of those precious ribbons. 1. Have a plan-Think of what you are going to do and how you want to accomplish the project you chose before diving in. This will allow you to more easily map out how you want to break up the enormous task. Also this will help you remember what you want your final product to look like. 2. Make sure you have the materials you need-Running out of supplies during the middle of your project is extremely annoying and ruins your productivity. To fix this, always buy more than you think you need so you don’t run out. After your project is completed, simply return the extra materials that were not used.You have two months to return items to Michael’s®. 3. Be creative-The winning projects are very often not the best looking projects but the most creative. Using different materials on constructed projects makes yours stand out and show the judge you thought outside of the box. 4. Get ideas from others-Some of my highest achieving projects have come from the omniscient Mr.Dean. But when gathering ideas it doesn't necessarily have to be from a teacher, ask or friend or browse Google® to see new and fresh ideas. 5. Enjoy Yourself-If you don’t like the project or topic you are doing then don’t do it. You have the choice of what you want to do your project so don’t force yourself to do something that you have no interest in. This will result in an overall worse finished product because you lack the motivation and