Vox Latina 2013-2018 Vox Latina 2018 | Page 4

What is Convention? By: Kendall Richard Convention in a nutshell: Will you- A- not study for your tests B- oversleep and miss breakfast C- drink a Red Bull and not go to sleep D- all of the above If you’re anything like me you chose option “D”. I was asked to describe convention as quickly as I could, I said “it’s the best and worst week.” Whether you’re prepping for certamen or training for ludi there’s something for everybody. And it’s so much more than just tests. Convention is Mr. Dean’s Wookiee impression, it’s watching blowouts in certamen; convention is drinking too much coffee because there’s not enough time in the day to do everything you want to do. And what people don’t tell you is convention isn’t about winning certamen, or beating the competition, or that one project you spent way too much time on. Convention is about the hug your teammate gives you when you win a match. Convention is about that awesome catch during ultimate frisbee. Convention is the thrill of hearing your name read at the awards ceremony. In all honesty, no matter what you do at convention, you’re bound to have a great time, even if you drink a Red Bull and don’t sleep at all.