Vox Latina 2013-2018 Vox Latina 2018 | Page 20

The Game Corner By Elizabeth Fahrmeier and Maliah Bricking Across 1.Muse of Dance 2. Called the "Tenth Muse" by Plato 3. Muse of Astronomy 4. Muse of Comedy 5. Muse of Tragedy 6. Muse of Epic Poetry 7. Son of Calliope Down 1. Titaness; Mother of the Muses 2. God regarded as a sort of choir leader for the Muses 3. Father of the Muses 4. Believed home of the Muses; Mount __ 5. Muse of Sacred Poetry 6. Muse of Music 7. Muse of Love Poetry 8. Muse of History The Muses Crossword