Vox Latina 2013-2018 Vox Latina 2015 | Page 4

CLASSICS IN THE NEWS Rome is getting a makeover! service stations to an area outside of the building it- self and increased video security.” The Flavian Amphitheater (also known as the Colosse- um )is possibly the most recognized building in the world but soon it may be getting a bit of a face lift thanks to Diego Della Valle, president of the luxury Italian leather brand Tod’s. In exchange for advertis- ing rights, the multi-billionaire has furnished 33 mil- lion US dollars for the project. The building, which generates 35 million euros a year in tourism revenue for the Italian government has been in need of renovations for several years due to motor vehicle traffic in the area but some interest groups believe the restorations will be worse for the ailing monument. There have been reports of some powder and rocks falling from the great architectural He has been given permission to begin restoration in structure, which they speculate could be made worse March of 2016. The restoration will include “cleaning by construction. They claim that the law forbids res- toration of large architectural buildings, whereas mo- of the travertine exterior, the restoration of under- saics, statues, and other smaller works are accepta- ground chambers, new gating, the moving of visitor ble. However the constant nearby automobile traffic and foot traffic have caused renovations to be a ne- cessity. Now the question is presented - does the public take up arms against the preservation of the ancient build- ing, or do they allow a private company to go to work on their public reminder of the past? -Tullus Dean A side view and Aerial view of the Colosseum Vox Latina 2015-2016 Volume 2 Page 4