Vox Latina 2013-2018 Vox Latina 2015 | Page 2

JUST LATIN THINGS The Advantages of a Latin Scholar vocabulary list because the vast majority of English words are derived from Latin! (Spanish students can’t do that!) If you’re a Latin student, you probably have a very unique skill set, in addition to a unique set of problems. Probably the most common Another upside to Latin class is the history. problem of a Latin student hearing people call Learning Latin covers more than just what the it a “dead language.” And while it’s true Latin Romans spoke. From the class alone, you’ll learn so much more, is not spoken in especially from the any modern years 800 BC to 500 country (except AD. The language also the Vatican, I drastically increases guess) it is most your knowledge of Ro- definitely not man and Greek culture, dead. literature, and mythol- First of all, The ogy. National Junior Of course, Latin Classical League also has its downsides. is the 2nd larg- Only Latin students un- est youth organ- Summit students Joseph Delamerced, Tullus Dean, Dustin Argo and derstand the struggle of Caroline Klette play certamen ization in Ameri- conjugating 3rd conjuga- ca, just behind tion verbs and making forms of neuter nouns. the Boy Scouts. Last year’s national conven- tion saw over 1,600 people in attendance, and Really? Did the Romans have to make it this that’s not including the countless young men difficult??? and women studying Latin who have not yet So, when you’re called a nerd for taking Latin, had a chance to be part of this great organiza- explain to that ignoramus (from the Latin root tion. ignorare) all the advantages Latin has given you. After all, they’ll probably be working for Furthermore, Latin impacts modern you someday! English in a major way: derivatives. (Did you know that the word “derivative” is actually a - Julia Dean and Davis DeFoor derivative of the Latin word “rivus”???). A Latin student in English class will most likely be able to recognize almost every word on the Vox Latina 2015-2016 Volume 2 Page 2